What is the standard turn-around time for projects Most products can be completed in 1-2 business days. For larger quantities or projects with more involved finishing processes, it could take as many as 3-5 business days. Check the Product Description for more specific information, or use the Contact Us form under the Help menu to get more information.
I placed and order and didn't receive my confirmation e-mail and my receipt. What happened? First, check your trash or spam folders in the even the email was filtered out by your email application. If you still cannot find your confirmation email, if could be that the email address registered to your Account is incorrect. Go to your account profile info at the UP Retail store and verify the email listed is correct. If your email was incorrect and you have now revised it, any future confirmations or correspondence should show up in your inbox.

You will still be able to see your Order information under your Order History. But in the event you are still not receiving emails, please contact one of our Customer Support Specialist at eprint@universalprinting.com
I submitted my order and then realized I made a mistake on the order. What do I do? Use the "Contact Us" feature under the Help menu and provide us with your Order Number and the instructions as to how you want us to correct the error. We will make every effort to correct any errors without charge. However, our online store is an automated system that does not require human intervention to process orders. Some user errors, depending on their nature may incur additional charges.